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Заголовок Australia news LIVE: Pleas for calm ahead of October 7 protests; Anti-corruption officers raid parliament
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Australia news LIVE: Pleas for calm ahead of October 7 protests; Anti-corruption• Борьба с коррупцией
officers raid parliament

Australia news LIVE: Pleas for calm ahead of October 7 protests;
Anti-corruption• Борьба с коррупцией officers raid parliament

By Josefine Ganko

Updated October 4, 2024 — 10.19am first published at 6.51am


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8.43am Sussan Ley calls for protest leader to beput on the first flight back
to Iran• Иран

8.27am Police forces unite in rare joint-statement to call for calm ahead of
weekend protests

7.20am Lebanon• Ливан repatriation flights undersubscribed as evacuation pleas

7.09am Opposition calls for removal of Iranian ambassador who praised slain
Hezbollah• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Хе » Хезболла leader

6.49am Anti-corruption• Борьба с коррупцией officers raid parliament

6.23am This morning’s headlines

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Faced with a potential independent challenger, Dutton says Teals areas far
left as the Greens

By Josefine Ganko

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has claimed the Teals are asfar left as the
”, as he prepares to defend his seat from a community group’s plans to
back an independent candidate in his Queensland• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд electorate of Dickson.

Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton joined Queensland• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд LNP leader David
Crisafulli for a press conference in Brisbane• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд » Брисбен. Credit: Cameron Atfield

Speaking in Brisbane• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд » Брисбен, Dutton was asked if he was worried about running against
a Teal candidate, to which he said those wanting “instability” should consider
voting for an independent candidate.

As we have seen in this Parliament, [the teals] vote 70, 80 per cent of the
time with the Greens and Labor. They are in many cases as far left as the
,” Dutton said.

So if you want instability and you want a minority Albanese Government, which
would be - it’s hard to believe but - even worse and more unstable than the
Albanese Government, than the Teals is something you may consider.”


Dutton joins QLD campaign trail, says there is ‘despondency’ over ‘tired’
labor government

By Josefine Ganko

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is in Brisbane• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд » Брисбен this morning, as he joins the
campaign trail in support of Queensland• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд LNP leader David Crisafulli’s election

Dutton spoke at a press conference after last night’s leaders debate, where
Crisafulli promised to step down as leader if he failed to lower crime victim
numbers after a full term as premier.

Speaking from a triage service for domestic violence victims, Dutton reflected
on his experience as a police officer responding to domestic violence

It’s a long time ago since I was a police officer, but I can tell you the
scenes of attending violence domestics still stay with me and I think for
every police officer, the reality is when you walk into a violent situation,
kids screaming, blood, the anger, the - the environment is something that no
family should ever go through, but sadly so many do.”

Dutton then praised Crisafulli’s debate performance:

I also want to say last night, David, if I might, I watched the debate like
many Queenslanders and I thought you did an amazing job. I really did. I think
there is a despondency out in the community that this Government is just so
tired and we want to make sure that our country can be the best it can be and
that our state can be the best it can be.

I think you demonstrated last night that you have the capacity, the ability,
the drive, and the vision for our state and I think that’s what all
Queenslanders are yearning for at the moment.”


It’s been a funny old week’: Tony Armstrong farewells ABC News Breakfast

By Nell Geraets

Television presenter Tony Armstrong has wrapped up his final appearance on
ABC’s News Breakfast , after announcing his departure from the national
broadcaster’s flagship morning show last week.

“I’m just very thankful to everyone who watches, and everyone who said such
nice things to me across the course of this week particularly. It’s been a
funny old week. But yeah, people have been really, really nice to me,” he said
earlier this morning on air.

Dylan Alcott joined ABC News Breakfast to farewell Armstrong, who was
presented with a colourful cake. Credit: ABC News Breakfast

In response, News Breakfast co-host Michael Rowland asked whether “the nicer
people outweigh the horrible people”, to which Armstrong said, “of course”.

The Gold Logie nominee is leaving the program after three years as it’s sports
reporter. On Monday, he was criticised on ABC’s Media Watch for voicing a
commercial for NRMA insurance. Since then, he has received a deluge of racist
abuse on social media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети and in comments on news sites.


This abuse occurred the same week the ABC released a report on racism at the
broadcaster, which included accounts of staff being subjected to public
attacks from social media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети, individuals, and other news media.

Despite the trolling he has experienced over the past week, Armstrong thanked
the show’s team, as well as its viewers.

He went on to say being on the show has meant he can now “leave on his own
terms into whatever is next. I don’t really know exactly what it is yet”. In
announcing his departure from the show last month, the broadcaster said
Armstrong would host a new ABC show screening in 2025 to be announced later
this year.

As the program wrapped up, Tennis great and former Australian of the year
Dylan Alcott joined the hosts to farewell Armstrong, who teared up as Alcott
paid tribute.

People know him as this funny, charming, incredible at his job, but he’s a
beautiful person, and I’m very lucky to have him as a friend,” Alcott said.

“The reason he got nominated for a Gold Logie and is dominating this is not
because he is a champion football player, not because he is Indigenous, but
because he is very good at what he does, at his job.”



Sussan Ley calls for protest leader to beput on the first flight back to
Iran• Иран

By Josefine Ganko

Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley says an Iranian national identified as a
protester who carried a Hezbollah• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Хе » Хезболла flag at the rally in Melbourne on Sunday
should beput on the first flight back to Iran• Иран”.

The Australian reported that a Melbourne-based Iranian national was one of the
leaders of the protest and that he had previously called Australia a “pathetic
tyrannical terrorist regime”.

Asked about the report on Seven’s Sunrise , Ley called the man a “hideous

Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

This individual needs to be found. He needs to be detained, and he needs to
be put on the first flight back to Iran• Иран. The comments he has made are

The man’s residency status in Australia is unclear.

Also appearing on the Sunrise panel was Social Services Minister Amanda
Rishworth, who defended the government’s laws on banning terrorist symbols.

In terms of our response, weve been very clear and we actually brought in
laws last year that made it very clear that by demonstrating hate symbols
which, of course, terrorist organisations promote hate and glorifying a
terrorist organisation is a crime,” Rishworth said.

In terms of response to any individuals, the AFP, of course, and other police
organisations will be investigating. That’s really important. I have
confidence in our law enforcement agencies.”

Rishworth said she agreed that visa holders should be under more scrutiny to
ensure they are abiding by Australian laws.


Police forces unite in rare joint-statement to call for calm ahead of weekend

By Olivia Ireland

Australia’s police forces have issued a joint statement emphasising federal
laws against displaying terror banners and urging protesters to be peaceful
ahead of planned rallies on the weekend.


NSW demonstrators will proceed with a protest on Sunday and a vigil on October
7 but scrapped a planned protest for the day of the anniversary in a
settlement with police, while rallies in Melbourne will go ahead on Sunday as
planned despite calls from leaders to avoid inflating unrest.

In a joint media release from NSW Police, NT Police, Queensland• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Квинсленд Police, South
Police, Victoria• Австралия » Административное деление Австралии » Штаты Австралии » Виктория (Австралия) Police, WA Police, Tasmania Police and the AFP, the
forces stated police respect the right to peacefully protest however there
will beno tolerance for illegal behaviour or violence on any day of the

In Australia, there are offences that prohibit behaviour that incites or
advocates violence or hatred based on race and religion, including the display
of prohibited symbols in public under these circumstances.

It is also a serious offence to counsel, promote, encourage, urge, instruct or
praise terrorism.”

The statement added there is a range of state and commonwealth legislation
that police can use to uphold community safety and social cohesion:

Law enforcement agencies across Australia work together to share information,
intelligence and evidence relating to criminal activity.

Police are lock-step in keeping Australians safe, and continue to work with
all Australians, visitors, stakeholders, community leaders and leaders of
faith to ensure Australian laws are understood.

Police are planning and preparing for upcoming protests in some states and


Dutton and Shorten repeat call on protesters not to rally on October 7

By Olivia Ireland

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and NDIS Minister Bill Shorten have called for
pro-Palestine• Палестина rallies not to proceed on the October 7 anniversary.

Speaking on Nine’s Today program, Dutton repeated his call that no one should
be protesting on the day when Hamas attacked Israeli• Израиль civilians.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and NDIS Minister Bill Shorten. Credit: Alex

This is the biggest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust and that’s what
October 7 is, so it’s the anniversary of the terrorist attack in the kibbutzes
and where people were slaughtered in the Nova music festival• Музыка » Музыкальные мероприятия » Музыкальные фестивали

• Форумы, конференции » Фестивали » Культурные фестивали » Музыкальные фестивали
,” Dutton said.

“I think there are people within the community, leaders so-called within the
community, who should show greater sensitivity and there are other dates that
they can commemorate.”


Shorten backed Dutton’s sentiments, saying October 7 was a massacre of

If you really think that Hamas was right, I do not understand how you think,
I do not understand how people would want to celebrate Hamas’ actions,”
Shorten said.

“I think most Australians don’t want to see these arguments from overseas
coming to these shores. They certainly expect it to be peaceful, I’ll just say
to any protesters, if you think somehow youre convincing or changing anyone’s
mind, think again.”



Diplomatic ties with Iran• Иран necessary to pursue national interests: Labor

By Josefine Ganko

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth says Australia’s diplomatic
relationship with Iran• Иран is about pursuing national interests and is not an
endorsement of the Iranian regime.

The government is facing calls from the opposition to expel Iran• Иран’s top
diplomat in Australia, Ahmad Sadeghi, over his latest controversial social
media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети
posts that praised slain Hezbollah• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Хе » Хезболла leader Hassan Nasrallah• Объект человек » Персоналии по алфавиту » Персоналии на на » Насралла, Хасан as a “blessed

Rishworth echoed a spokesperson for Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who told The
Australian that the government condemns Sadeghi’s comments.

Iran• Иран’s ambassador to Australia, Ahmad Sadeghi. Credit: Rohan Thomson

I do clearly condemn the comments of the Iranian ambassador. I have to say
that they are completely abhorrent comments,” Rishworth told Seven’s Sunrise.

Any government that has kept those diplomatic relationships it is clear it is
not an endorsement of the regime. It is about pursuing our national

Rishworth said keeping diplomatic channels with Iran• Иран open was necessary,
“particularly around urging de-escalationin the conflict in the Middle East,
while deferring a decision on expelling Sadeghi to Penny Wong.

Meanwhile, Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley, who appeared alongside
Rishworth on Sunrise said the government’s approach wasnot the way we should
handle this”.

“The ambassador has made awful comments and should be held accountable for
them. It’s important that we have diplomatic relations with many countries.
But those comments don’t sound very diplomatic to me.” Ley said.

This individual should be called in. He should have his credentials removed
and she should be sent home. It is a test for the foreign minister, and it is
a test for the prime minister• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Пр » Правительство Австралии » Премьер-министр Австралии

• Австралия » Государственное устройство Австралии » Правительство Австралии » Премьер-министр Австралии

• Государство » Государственное устройство Австралии » Правительство Австралии » Премьер-министр Австралии


Lebanon• Ливан repatriation flights undersubscribed as evacuation pleas continue

By Olivia Ireland

Assistant Foreign Minister Tim Watts says there are 2338 Australians who want
to leave Lebanon• Ливан as the government works to get them out of the region• Палестина, with
“plenty of vacant seats” on the scheduled repatriation flights.

Speaking on ABC News Breakfast, Watt said the government has been preparing
for some time to assist Australians out of Lebanon• Ливан as he urges people to take
the repatriation flights:

Weve obviously been preparing for this situation for some time. Recommending
that Australians do not travel, saying please leave now to any Australians in
Lebanon• Ливан, Beirut• Ливан » Население Ливана » Населенные Пункты Ливана » Города Ливана » Бейрут Airport is still open, there have been commercial options

As those commercial options have become more constrained, weve intervened to
help access seats for Australians wanting to leave. Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday of this week, there were seats on flights facilitated by the
Australian government for people who want to leave.

Overnight, 41 Australians were on flights, plenty of vacant seats available
for Australians who want them. On the weekend, 500 seats are available on
flights to Cyprus, we have registered at the moment, 2338 Australians who want
to leave and well anticipate contacting them and working with them to
facilitate their departure.”

Asked if he was disappointed there were a lot of empty seats on planes, Watts
acknowledged the challenge it would be for people to leave their home.

“I would say, as someone who represents a big Lebanese Australian community, I
have empathy. People have entrenched lives in the community. They live
there with their elderly family and businesses and properties, so it is
understandable,” he said.

This is a heart-wrenching decision to leave, but our advice isdon’t think
twice about it, now is the time• Музыка » Музыкальные произведения » Музыкальный альбом » Альбомы Аланис Мориссетт » Now Is the Time to leave.”

Clarification: Tim Watts told ABC News Breakfast that 238 Australians had
registered their wish to leave Lebanon• Ливан. In a statement, his office confirmed
he misspoke, and the correct number is 2338.


Opposition calls for removal of Iranian ambassador who praised slain Hezbollah• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Хе » Хезболла

By Josefine Ganko

The federal opposition has called for Iran• Иран’s ambassador to Australia to be
expelled after he posted to social media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети calling slain Hezbollah• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Хе » Хезболла chief Hassan
Nasrallah• Объект человек » Персоналии по алфавиту » Персоналии на на » Насралла, Хасан
a “remarkable leader”, according to reports in The Australian.

On Sunday, Iran• Иран’s top diplomat in Australia, Ahmad Sadeghi, called Nasrallah a
“blessed martyrwho had a “dignified path to heaven”, in a post to the
platform X, formerly Twitter• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети » Х (Twitter).

It’s not the first time Sadeghi has been scrutinised for his social media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети
activity. In posts to X in August, Sadeghi called Israel• Израиль a “Zionist plague”
and described Hamas’ commitment to the “wiping outof Israel• Израиль by 2027 as a
heavenly and divine promise”.

Iran• Иран’s ambassador to Australia, Ahmad Sadeghi, previously said he supported
the “wiping outof Israel• Израиль. Credit: Rohan Thomson

Opposition foreign affairs spokesperson Simon Birmingham called for Sadeghi to
be expelled from Australia.

All previous ‘talkings to’ by the Albanese government have been woefully
ineffective,” Birmingham said.

“The time for nice chats is over and the time for Anthony Albanese• Объект человек » Персоналии по алфавиту » Персоналии на Ал » Албаниз, Энтони and Penny
to show leadership by declaring the Iranian ambassador persona non grata• Политика » Геополитика » Международные отношения » Международное право » Дипломатическое право » Персона нон грата
is now.”


Foreign Minister Penny Wong didn’t comment on whether she would move to expel
the ambassador, but in a statement, a spokesperson said the government
“condemns the comments”.

“The Prime Minister• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Пр » Правительство Австралии » Премьер-министр Австралии

• Австралия » Государственное устройство Австралии » Правительство Австралии » Премьер-министр Австралии

• Государство » Государственное устройство Австралии » Правительство Австралии » Премьер-министр Австралии
and Foreign Minister have made clear that the government
condemns any support for terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Хе » Хезболла.”

Wong’s spokesperson said that the presence of an Iranian ambassador in
Australia since 1968 had “never been an endorsement of the regime”.

It is a channel to protect Australia’s interests and to communicate the views
of Australia and our close partners.”



Anti-corruption• Борьба с коррупцией officers raid parliament

By Nick Bonyhady

Corruption• Борьба с коррупцией commission officers raided Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday
as part of an ongoing investigation targeting a subject that has not been made

A media officer for the National Anti-Corruption• Борьба с коррупцией Commission said in an emailed
statement that its officers were in the building on Thursday.

“The commission can confirm it carried out operational activity today at
Parliament House,” the officer said on Thursday evening.

NACC confirmed the Parliament House raids were not connected to a current or
former parliamentarian. Credit: Phil Morley

This was in relation to an ongoing investigation.”

“The commission can confirm that the investigation does not relate to a
current or former parliamentarian.

As the matter is ongoing, we will not be making further comment, as to do so
may compromise operational activities or unfairly impact reputations,” the
officer said.

As well as MPs, the commission can investigate their staff, public servants
and government contractors.

The Parliamentary Library estimates about 5000 people work in Parliament House
during peak periods.

The commission began operating last year. It currently has 32 preliminary
investigations and 29 corruption• Борьба с коррупцией investigations underway, with six cases
before courts.


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The Sydney Morning Herald

============= Итог: 2,6562 ; Государство#Государственное устройство Австралии #Правительство Австралии#Премьер-министр Австралии#Албаниз, Энтони 2,6000 ; Борьба с коррупцией 1,9961 ; Коммуникации#Интернет-коммуникации#Интернет-сообщество#Социальные сети #Х (Twitter) 1,3477 ; Музыка#Музыкальные произведения#Музыкальный альбом #Альбомы Аланис Мориссетт#Now Is the Time 1,3281 ; Музыка#Музыкальные мероприятия#Музыкальные фестивали 1,3330 ; Политика#Геополитика#Международные отношения#Международное право #Дипломатическое право#Персона нон грата 5,8250 ; Ливан#Хезболла 3,6516 ; Ливан#Население Ливана#Населенные Пункты Ливана#Города Ливана#Бейрут 4,9797 ; Австралия#Административное деление Австралии#Штаты Австралии #Виктория (Австралия) 2,7109 ; Австралия#Государственное устройство Австралии#Правительство Австралии #Премьер-министр Австралии#Албаниз, Энтони 2,5398 ; Австралия#Административное деление Австралии#Штаты Австралии#Квинсленд #Брисбен 3,6000 ; Израиль 2,2000 ; Палестина

============= Объекты: персоналии Албаниз, Энтони Премьер-министр Австралии Насралла, Хасан Генеральный секретарь "Хезболлы" в 1992-2024 годах, 1960-2024. Хезболла (1992/02/16-***) организации Хезболла Ливан сетевые_сообщества Х (Twitter) соц_роль Премьер-министр Австралии

============= Географические объекты: 1 -37.000000000,144.000000000 Австралия#Административное деление Австралии#Штаты Австралии #Виктория (Австралия) 2 31.897222222,35.201388889 Палестина 3 31.783333333,35.216666667 Израиль 4 -23.000000000,143.000000000 Австралия#Административное деление Австралии#Штаты Австралии #Квинсленд 5 35.696111111,51.422777778 Иран 6 33.900000000,35.850000000 Ливан 7 27.467777778,153.027777778 Австралия#Административное деление Австралии#Штаты Австралии #Квинсленд#Брисбен 8 33.888611111,35.495277778 Ливан#Население Ливана#Населенные Пункты Ливана#Города Ливана #Бейрут

============= Связи: Израиль # объект-география # Палестина Иран # ассоциации-4 # Хезболла Ливан # объект-география # Бейрут

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