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Заголовок Crypto Mining Rig Sales Are Securities? Not So Fast, Lawyers Say
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Crypto Mining Rig Sales Are Securities? Not So Fast, Lawyers Say

Crypto Mining Rig Sales Are Securities? Not So Fast, Lawyers Say

The SEC is suing Green United for allegedly swindling investors by selling
hardware that was supposed to mine crypto—but actually couldn't.

By Liz Napolitano

Sep 29, 2024 Sep 29, 2024

4 min read

The SEC is the United States• Соединённые Штаты Америки (США)' primary financial regulator. Image:

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A federal judge denied a crypto firm's request last week to dismiss an
SEC complaint alleging that the sale of its purported mining hardware to
customers constituted an investment contract. And while the move spurred some
speculation on social media over the implications for such hardware, legal
analysts say there's no immediate reason for concern.

According to the lawsuit , filed in March 2023 in the U.S• Соединённые Штаты Америки (США). District Court for
the District of Utah, Green United allegedly defrauded investors of $18
million by selling them “Green Boxes” that failed to mine digital tokens
called GREEN as promised. That’s because the Ethereum• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Ethereum -based tokens couldn’t
actually be mined, the suit claims.

The ongoing case forms federal regulators’ latest attempts to eradicate
garden variety fraud” within the cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта industry and beyond, lawyers
told Decrypt .

“They gave people money and they wanted to profit off of it,” said Ishmael
Green, a partner at law firm Diaz Reus. “This is a classic fraud case.
It's not even a real [crypto-centric] case.”



Although the lawsuit is another step in the grand scheme of U.S• Соединённые Штаты Америки (США). crypto policy
and the SEC’s approach to regulation by enforcement, another lawyer argued to
Decrypt that it’s not as consequential to the future of the cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта
industry as the agency’s litigation against Coinbase or Ripple.

All of these cases are important, but this one is far less important,” said
Terrence Yang, strategic advisor at Swan Bitcoin• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Bitcoin.

Given that Green United’s motion to dismiss the case has been denied, the
lawsuit will go on to be heard in a federal court.

In its complaint, the SEC alleges the Green United deposited GREEN tokens into
investors’ accounts “to create the appearance of a successful mining
operation,” despite the fact that GREEN tokens, which are Ethereum• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Ethereum-based
ERC-20 tokens, could not be mined and did not come from mining-related
activities at all.



The SEC also alleges that GREEN has no realizable value “contrary to
representations made [by Green United] at the time” of its hardware’s sale.
Green United has denied those allegations in a separate legal filing, however.

Ishmael Green, the Diaz Reus partner, told Decrypt that the SEC's case is
unlikely to have implications for typical mining hardware, which users operate
to support networks and try to generate crypto rewards—like on Bitcoin• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Bitcoin . In
this specific case, the SEC is alleging that mining wasn't actually
happening on the boxes sold to users.

It's fine "so long as the mining rigs are sold with the understanding
that the end user will be doing the mining," he clarified, based on his
understanding of the case. "In Green United, the mining rig was sold with an
agreement that stated Green United would control and run the system," he

The lawsuit also contains allegations that Green United's so-called
mining equipment—both the hardware (the boxes) and software (the
nodes)—comprise a securities investment. That means the case could potentially
have implications for hosted mining services, which Green United purported to
offer, even though the SEC didn’t explicitly mention hosted mining in its
complaint, Reed Smith counsel Hadas Jacobi told Decrypt .

In a posted statement , Green United attempted to paint• Информационные технологии » Информатика » Программирование » Платформы программирования » Операционные системы » Операционные Системы Майкрософт » Microsoft Windows » Стандартные Приложения Windows » Microsoft Paint

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the SEC's case as
a mischaracterization of what was actually happening, writing that SEC lawyers
" try to change the law by classifying hosted mining as a security, a practice
performed by numerous public companies." Green United also said that it
offered refunds to buyers, but that "only a very small minority of node owners
requested a refund."

Neither the SEC nor Green United responded to Decrypt 's requests for

While the SEC and Green United are still locking horns about the legitimacy of
the crypto firm’s business• Экономика » Бизнес and the classification of its mining equipment, the
judge overseeing the case is far from making any determinations, lawyers told
Decrypt .

“The recent ruling… makes a much more limited determination,” Jacobi said.



According to Jacobi, the judge’s rejection of Green United’s motion to dismiss
the case isn’t a ruling in favor of the SEC’s arguments, but rather a
declaration that he simply intends to hear the case instead of throwing it

Green United's unsuccessful attempt to dismiss the case isn’t much of a
surprise, as firms commonly request dismissals, according to lawyers that
spoke to Decrypt . That’s because filing such a request typically has benefits
for defendants, regardless of whether or not they have actually violated
federal securities laws.

Filing to dismiss a caseis almost like getting two bites at the apple for
doing the bare minimum,” Green told Decrypt. “The [defense] receives
additional time, and they also get to come up with additional legal theories
as to why they're innocent.”

Edited by Andrew Hayward

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