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Заголовок Celsius Founder On Trial For Fraud – Can He Beat The Charges?
Дата 20240918

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Celsius Founder On Trial For Fraud – Can He Beat The Charges?

Celsius Founder On Trial For Fraud – Can He Beat The Charges?

by Christian Encila

2 mins ago

in Crypto News


The trial of Alex Mashinsky, the former CEO of Celsius Network, has officially
begun, marking a significant moment in the ongoing saga of one of
cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта s most notorious collapses.

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Charged with multiple counts of fraud, including wire and securities fraud,
Mashinsky faces a potential sentence of up to 115 years in prison if

His defense team has argued that he did not intend to defraud anyone, claiming
that his public statements and business• Экономика » Бизнес practices were made in good

Celsius: Case Background

Once the cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта lending space s shining star, Celsius Network
attracted billions of dollars in deposits after promising lofty returns on
digital assets. Founded in 2017, it quickly gained popularity among investors
seeking interest on their crypto holdings.

However, it was during the crypto market• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта crash of 2022 that the company began
its downfall when it suddenly froze withdrawals, leaving the service of 1.7
million customers unable to access their funds.

This resulted in its subsequent bankruptcy filing but exposed severe
mismanagement on a financial and business• Экономика » Бизнес policy level.

BTCUSD trading at $60,007 on the daily chart: TradingView.com

Regulators wasted no time launching investigations into Mashinsky and his
company. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other agencies
accused Celsius of engaging in fraudulent activities that misled investors
about the safety and profitability of their investments.

The allegations include manipulating the price of CEL, Celsius s native
token, to benefit insiders while presenting a facade of stability to

The Trial Unfolds

As the trial commences, Mashinsky s legal strategy hinges on calling six
former executives as witnesses to support his claims. His lawyers assert that
he relied heavily on the expertise of his team and did not personally engage
in any fraudulent activities. They argue that the charges against him stem
from actions taken by others within the organization without his knowledge or

Source: US District Court Southern District Of New York.

Prosecutors will likely present very strong evidence against Mashinsky,
including victim impact statements from many customers that lost large sums of
money during Celsius s collapse.

They will try to depict a pattern of deceitful behavior in the way they misled
investors about the company s financial health. In this case, if found
guilty, the life sentence looms over Mashinsky s head.

Impact Beyond Cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта

This trial isn t just about one man; it symbolizes a critical moment for
the entire cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта industry. As more regulators scrutinize digital
platforms, cases like Mashinsky s highlight the urgent need for
clearer regulations and accountability within this rapidly evolving market.

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The fallout from Celsius has already prompted discussions about investor
protections and the risks associated with unregulated crypto investments.

It will set a precedent in how the future of such cases is treated. In
addition, with other crypto high-profile figures facing judicial
battles the most significant ones including Sam Bankman-Fried from
FTX the implications stand very high to modify standards and
consequences of the industry, which, as one believes, might be changed to
become more beneficial for investors.

As the court proceedings unravel for Mashinsky, the crypto community is
reminded of what can go wrong or right in the highly
unpredictable nature of cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта and the personalities behind them.

Featured image from Metaschool, chart from TradingView

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