Источник The Guardian.uk, London, United Kingdom
Заголовок With inflation staying at 2.2%, will Bank of England cut interest rates this week?
Дата 20240918

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============= Обработанный текст:
With inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

• Экономика » Макроэкономика » Макроэкономические индикаторы » Инфляция
staying at 2.2%, will Bank of England• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Ba » Банк Англии cut interest rates this

With inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

• Экономика » Макроэкономика » Макроэкономические индикаторы » Инфляция
staying at 2.2%, will Bank of England• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Ba » Банк Англии cut interest rates this

Richard Partington Economics correspondent

CPI rise is below expectations for second month running, but Bank knows
headline figure is far from the whole story

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Wed 18 Sep 2024 09.36 BST Last modified on Wed 18 Sep 2024 09.38 BST


For a second month running inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

• Экономика » Макроэкономика » Макроэкономические индикаторы » Инфляция
has fallen short of the Bank of England’s
expectations. After beginning the process of cutting interest rates last
month, the big question is whether Threadneedle Street could cut again on

There is little doubt inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

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has returned to more manageable levels, having
dropped from a peak of 11.1% less than two years ago – the highest since the
1980s. With the consumer price index at 2.2% in August , matching the level in
July, the reading was below the 2.4% level the Bank expected.

There was good news for the monetary policy committee from lower prices at the
pumps for motorists, as well as the falling costs of restaurant meals and
hotel stays. Raw material costs also fell, driven by lower crude oil prices,
while factory gate price growth slowed.

After data earlier this month showing a cooling jobs market and disappointing
economic performance in July, when growth unexpectedly flatlined ,
policymakers could argue that keeping interest rates at among the highest
levels since before the 2008 financial crisis• Финансовый кризис is no longer necessary.

However, inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

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still remains above the Bank’s 2% target. The Bank has also
cautioned it could reach 2.75% before the end of the year, while Andrew
Bailey, its governor, has warned it is “too early to declare victory” against
inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

• Экономика » Макроэкономика » Макроэкономические индикаторы » Инфляция
just yet.

Ahead of Thursday’s interest rate decision, there is plenty of evidence from
the inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

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figures to suggest the Bank will maintain a cautious approach to
cutting borrowing costs.

Underneath the stable headline figure, price growth in the services sector –
closely watched by the Bank for signs of domestic inflationary pressures –
rose from 5.2% in July to 5.6%, marginally ahead of financial market
expectations. Core inflation• Экономика » Финансы » Инфляция

• Экономика » Макроэкономика » Макроэкономические индикаторы » Инфляция
which excludes volatile items including energy,
food, alcohol and tobacco – also rose, from 3.3% to 3.6%.

For households, this means the pressure has far from dissipated. Prices are
much higher than they were four years ago, and are continuing to rise – albeit
at a slower pace than earlier this year.

There will also be more to come for households in the autumn, with a rise in
the Ofgem energy price cap in October that will leave families facing a 10%
increase in their bills in the run-up to winter. skip past newsletter

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