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Заголовок Binance Executive 'Suffering Immensely' in Nigeria While Authorities Withhold Health Records
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Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance Executive 'Suffering Immensely' in Nigeria While Authorities
Withhold Health Records

Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance Executive 'Suffering Immensely' in Nigeria While Authorities
Withhold Health Records

It is time for the Nigerian authorities to do the right thing and release my
innocent husband,” said Yuki Gambaryan, the Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance executive’s wife.

By Chidirim Ndeche

Jul 3, 2024 Jul 3, 2024

3 min read

Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance head of financial crime compliance Tigran Gambaryan. Image: Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance

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The family of Tigran Gambaryan, a senior executive at Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance being held in a
Nigerian jail, said he issuffering immensely” as the country’s prison
officials refused to release health records despite court orders.

Gambaryan’s deteriorating health condition has become one of the focal points
in the ongoing legal battle between Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance and Nigerian authorities.

The family of the American said his health has continued to deteriorate in
detention and that he has complained of numbness in his foot as well as back
pain. He has had double pneumonia and malaria whilst in prison.

“Each day that Tigran remains detained becomes increasingly difficult for our
family and especially for him. He is suffering immensely under the strain of
this injustice,” his wife Yuki Gambaryan said in an email• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Электронная почта statement to Decrypt



Nigeria clamped down on cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта exchanges earlier in the year, with its
central bank governor singling out Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance for public rebuke over alleged
currency manipulation and illicit transactions.

Gambaryan, head of financial crime compliance for Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance, and Nadeem
Anjarwalla, the regional Africa head for Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance, were detained on February 28
after meeting with the country’s officials to settle regulatory disputes.

Anjarwalla has since fled custody and the country, but Gambaryan is still
being held.

The charges against him and Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance include allegations of financial
misconduct and operating without proper regulatory approval by the Economic
Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).



The country’s tax office dropped its tax evasion charges against the two
Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance officials and will now focus solely on the crypto exchange.

The Gambaryan case has highlighted the intense scrutiny faced by Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance in
various jurisdictions, particularly in regions with strict financial

The Nigerian authorities have been adamant about their stance, maintaining
that Gambaryan violated local laws. However, the defense has consistently
argued that his detention is unjust and that he is being used as a scapegoat
in a broader regulatory crackdown on cryptocurrency• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта operations.

Even Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance CEO Richard Teng has weighed in on the case and the executive’s
ongoing detention.

In May he wrote in a blog post , that Gambaryan's detention "has set a
dangerous new precedent for all companies worldwide," adding that he "is
innocent and must be released."

The legal tussle has seen dramatic developments, including Gambaryan’s failed
attempts to secure bail and ongoing courtroom battles over the legitimacy of
the charges.

The health concerns surrounding Gambaryan have added a new layer of urgency to
the case.

His lawyers informed the court on July 1 that, despite several court orders,
the officials of the Kuje prison in Nigeria’s capital city of Abuja, where
Gambaryan is being held, have yet to release his medical records from his
visit to the hospital on June 3.



Justice Emeka Nwite, who is hearing the case, has since demanded the prison
hand over the records to Gambaryan’s lawyers by July 5.

It is time for the Nigerian authorities to do the right thing and release my
innocent husband,” Yuki Gambaryan, the Binance• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Binance executive’s wife, told Decrypt
in an email• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Электронная почта. “This situation has gone too far.”

Edited by Stacy Elliott .

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