Источник The Globe and Mail.com, Toronto, Canada
Заголовок Manulife Financial boosts key profit target at investor day in Hong Kong
Дата 20240625

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Manulife Financial boosts key profit target at investor day in Hong Kong

Manulife Financial boosts key profit target at investor day in Hong Kong

The Canadian Press

Published 30 minutes ago



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Manulife Financial Corp. MFC-T says it has boosted a key profitability target
as it hosts its first investor day in Asia since 2017.

The insurance• Страхование giant says it has increased its core return on equity target to
at least 18 per cent by 2027, up from its current target of 15 per cent.

The company says it has also increased its target for the amount of cash it
returns to shareholders to $22-billion for the next three years, up from the
$18.4-billion for the past three.

Speaking at the investor day in Hong Kong, chief executive Roy Gori says the
higher targets come after the company has gone through a significant
transformation where it has off-loaded risk• Страхование » Риск and is well placed to capitalize
on global trends.

Gori says the insurer, which been operating in Asia since 1897, sees
tremendous potential in the region as its middle class is set to grow to 3.5
billion by 2030, up from two billion today.

He says the company will also benefit from the expected doubling of the global
population of people over age 65 by 2050, and the company’s scale will allow
it to adapt well to the increasing push to consumer digitization.


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